Friends of Sevan: Awareness Raising for school students from Gegharkunik region (1st and 2nd Phases)

Friends of Sevan: Awareness Raising for school students from Gegharkunik region (1st and 2nd Phases)

The goal of the project is to raise awareness among children and youth and foster behavior change to restore the lake’s ecosystem. Objectives of the project are facilitate youth participation at the local level and public awareness for improving environmental information sharing, education, environment protection and public health for protecting Lake Sevan; building youth capacity to take actions and participate in their communities’ decision-making for restoring Lake Sevan and climate change adaptation; fostering public monitoring of the ecosystem of Lake Sevan and its rivers through improving knowledge and capacity of schools in the Gegharkunik region.

Duration: April 1, 2022 – December 15, 2022 (the 1st phase); April 1, 2023 – October 30, 2023 (the 2nd phase)

Funded by: European Union and the Government of Germany (with the support of EU4Sevan programme)

Project Results: Social Page | 1st phase in one video | 2nd phase in one video